Traditional Interior Plasterwork Webinar
This half-day seminar, led by a building conservation specifier and a lime plastering practitioner, focuses on the history and repair of traditional interior plasterwork, with an emphasis on wall and ceiling ‘flatwork’ and modest decorative elements.
Over three lectures, two leading speakers, Frank Keohane, Grade I Conservation Surveyor, and Brian Tobin, Specialist Lime Plasterer, guide attendees through the history and application of lime plasters, materials and structural substrates, identification of defects and approaches to repair. Themes include traditional three-coat work, lath-and-plaster build-ups, thermal/insulating plasters, cornice and other decorative work, site logistics and general specification. The webinar places an emphasis on traditional, commonplace ‘flatwork’ and features a variety of case studies.
Repair and Specification of Traditional Interior Plasterwork – Walls and Ceilings