Historic Interiors Webinar

Historic Interiors Webinar

This three-hour seminar led by conservator, Darren McLean of McLean Conservation Associates, Glasgow, explores the elements, materials and finishes used in historic interiors and explore approaches to their repair and conservation.

Historic interiors of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, ranging from domestic to commercial, are commonly described in terms of style and architectural influences. The materials from which they are assembled and the technological innovations that brought them into being are less often explored, while their repair and conservation can be a challenge to the modern householder, contractor and specifier.

Darren McLean explores the many facets of historic interiors through documentary sources and a variety of case studies with the aim of providing a greater understanding of ‘what you're looking at’ when approaching the conservation or refurbishment of an old interior.

Themes covered over three visual presentations with Q&A include:

- Plaster (Lime, Gypsum, flat, run cornices, cast architectural and decorative, Scagliola)

- Timber (Doors, Floors, walls, species, sources)

- Other wall surfaces (Lincrusta, Anaglypta)

- Stone (Floors, mantles, carvings)

- Glass

- Tile / Mosaic

- Carpet

- Linoleum

- Paint

- Wallpaper

- Electricity

- Gas

- Bathrooms

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Historic Interiors Webinar